So, later has come and I've found my pictures!!!
We did nothing on Friday. Well, M cooked. It was very good. And it was very good that I didn't have to cook.
We got up early on Saturday to drive to Austin. I then went to a baby shower (with Heather) for Judy (and baby Logan). It was a lot of fun. I met some new friends. Judy was beautiful, and finally looks prego! I think she's due end of this month, but we'll see!
Then we went back to the casa and played with Jack and then it was bath time and bed time.
So Marcus and I went out and met our friends for dinner at PF Changs, and it was good.
Sunday we came back to H-town and got ready to go to a Super Bowl party. By "get ready" I mean I took a 2 hour nap on the sofa. Marcus might argue my nap was longer than 2 hours. He might be right. But then, I wasn't the one who
So, tonight I'm skipping tap, because the teacher's mean and I didn't practice and it's my birthday so I don't wanna go and you can't make me because I'm a grown-up now.
This is not my favorite post. But I'll find my pictures. Not tonight, or tomorrow, but soon, and I'll add them and I'll get back on track with my funny self.
Lots of love to you all!