Sunday, March 16, 2008

Beware the Ides of March!!

This past Friday evening, Marcus and I brought home the newest addition to our family. Woogie met us at the back door, and if Woogie spoke Latin, he would have sounded like this... "Mater!!! Pater!!! Et tu, "Cali"?!?!? Their first encounter didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. He doesn't seem to mind her a bit, and is completely oblivious to her "threatening" hisses and growls.

Calpurnia, or "Cali" for short is quickly making herself at home. She's discovered she can easily fit under the dollhouse, but as of yet, hasn't figured out that she could also fit "in it." She's eating well and using her litter box like a champ -STINKY!!! I'd forgotten how badly cat poo stinks!

This is a pic from Sunday morning... Granted, she was already asleep; I then picked her up and snuggled her with Woogs.

And, I hate to say it, but she does have a favorite- and it certainly isn't me. She's been Marcus's study-buddy. Here they are taking a break from the tough practices of Mechanical Engineering.
I wish I had some good "action" shots for y'all- believe me she's very active. But she's blurry in just about every picture in which she's not sleeping. Time to bust out the camera user's guide!

Thanks for checking out our pictures - I'll post some videos soon!

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