Okay, so I'm catching some crap about this blog that I NEVER post to. I'm lazy, that's really all it amounts to. So I'm going to create a post for 2006. Right, one BIG post, of the whole year, and then, this year, I promise to be better. And I'll learn to link Chris and Kevin's blogs, so if you don't like mine, you can see theirs (the new Peek wives are much better about posting). 

And speaking of... Well, I'll just start back of the beginning of the year, when my family added Ms. Becky Corbin to our lovely clan as the new Mrs. Kevin Peek. We had a wonderful time going to Austin for their wedding. My favorite part was when the time came for my brother to kiss his petite wife, a stool was presented so that the 14" difference in height wasn't sooo much of a challenge!

Meanwhile, Marcus and I were busy planning our upcoming nuptuals. In the spring, some of our friends down at the river threw a party for us on a riverboat. The day was beautiful and everyone had so much fun!
But spring flew by quickly, and before we knew it May was upon us. The morning of our wedding day was dark and stormy, and showed little sign of letting up. But, the clouds did part and the sun did shine, and we still got married outside, under the same tree that Royce and Heather were married under just two years before. And so, I joined my new family as Mrs. Marcus Sharp.
We had a "hot" honeymooon down in Mexico. The food at our resort was fabulous and we enjoyed hanging out by the pool. During the day we would go into town (for shoes or bandaids). One day we went to see the ruins and we made friends with another couple from Alabama that shared our wedding day.
We barely made it back and got me moved in before we got the call that lil' Jack was on his way! Okay, it was almost two months later, but time really flew this past year! Heather did a great job and Jack came before Marcus and I were packed up to come to Austin to see our newest
nephew. Check out his baby pics! He's a cutie!
And, most recently, we journeyed up to the Evergreen State for the Comfort (Firetruck)-Peek Wedding. The ceremony was beautiful, and so was the bride! My favorite part was the "Bride and Groom's Shoes... Who Will? Game" My second favorite part was when Robyn set fire her table at the reception by laying a napkin on a tea-light! Exciting!
Well, don't go too far. I know it's taken me three days to get this posted, but I've got more to come for sure! I've got fun pics from our Washington trip & news of TWO new engagements. What a cliff-hanger!
ALSO, Marcus and I may be taking some more fun trips this year (and I'm going to resume my tap classes next week). SO there's lots of fun in store for 2007. But, if I've learned one thing this year so far, it's this. Don't mix margaritas and Ny-quil. I don't care if it is New Year's Eve and you've got a nasty cold... you will feel like your brain is wearing a warm, fuzzy sweater.... all day long.
great job!love Mom
Shannon! Way to post! Hey, will you email me that picture from our rehearsal dinner? I don't think I have one picture at all of just Kevin & me. Hope you're brain isn't wearing a fuzzy sweater today!
I love the website. It sounds like you had a great time in Seattle and an interesting New Year's. We need to get together soon and catch up.
Cups...I loved reading your postings and having a look at your pics! You look beautiful (as always), and you have 2 very beautiful sisters-in-law! I hope to see you soon!
Love you,
Julie (Mugz)
OK...for some reason, it put that I was anonymous, but you know it's me! ;)
Nice post sister. Sarah and I enjoyed the highlights from the weddings.
You take tap dancing classes? And here I am thinking you do cad even at home.. muahahaha. :)
You did really good on this one. I'm going to have to step it up a notch to keep up with you and the other Peek wives'!
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