Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Good-Bye, Anni

This past weekend, we lost our sweet kitty, Anni. She was such a precious member of our family and will be greatly missed. She had recently adopted Marcus as her "person", and I loved to watch how he'd tease her by petting her just a little harder than she would like. She would tolerate him most of the time, and would show her affections by sitting on the sofa's back behind Marcus and wrap her tail around his neck. Woogie misses her too, I think. And I'm having the hardest time seeing all of her resting spots vacant as I go room to room. She liked to keep me company in the mornings as I was getting ready. I think she liked the sound of bath water splashing around. I have some kitten pics, and will get them posted too, as soon as I get them scanned.
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Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear that! What happened? I know she will be greatly missed. She was a good kitty :) Love you!

The Young Family said...

We're sorry! I know you loved that cat. Anne told us on Thanksgiving.