Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sharp Trip to Arkansas!!!

I might possibly be the worst blogger with the "best intentions" out there. I am the family's devoted "picture taker"- but then, I don't make time to share the memories. So this Saturday morning, while my most darling hubby in on the hunt for the perfect pair of jeans (I've drawn the line on re-sewing buttons on his old denims), I will post pictures of events of this past year. In short form, mind you, b/c there is A LOT to catch up on!

So- this past summer- we Sharps boarded an RV- bound for Arkansas, for a Sharp family reunion. I had never met most of the Sharps and had a great time visiting with family and enjoying good ol' southern food (like grandma used to make!). Here is a shot of some of us - Royce Sr's sister and her family included. Note, Heather has not had Seneca, yet, and she will likly kill me later for posting a preggers picture of her.

Here's Jack! "Driving" the RV (with the brakes on during a refuel)

Jack and Emmy play on the floor - Sorry so fuzzy, but bumpy RV on AK roads- not ideal for picture taking!
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