Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good Advice!

This was the best part of our trip to Grandfather Mountain - the wildlife reserve (which was like a tiny zoo). But, unlike a zoo, we could get really, really close to the animals!!!

The worst part was that the otter exhibit was closed. I love those guys, could watch them for hours. I wonder if there are any videos on utube... Yup - otters in love!
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Unknown said... they play Frank Sinatra at the wildlife reserve?

Kim A said...

I just found your blog today and i know this is totally an old post, but I just had to comment on this one. I just recently visited Grandfather mountain in July and it was amazing! The otter display was open when we went though and they are SO cute.

I live in Florida right now, and planning to move to the area next year. I really can't wait to go back.